Binational Breastfeeding Coalition

MISSION: To protect and promote breastfeeding on the El Paso/Juárez border as the natural and expected means of feeding human infants. • MISIÓN: Proteger y promover la lactancia en la frontera El Paso/Juárez como el medio natural y esperado de alimentar a los infantes humanos.

Binational Breastfeeding Coalition

Filtering by Category: COVID-19

COVID-19 Vaccination and Lactating Mothers

Below are links to position statements from highly regarded health care organizations concerning the COVID-19 vaccine and breastfeeding. Following the links is a plain language summary. Please be advised that this information is not intended to replace the professional judgement of the patient’s healthcare provider.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists:
Vaccinating Pregnant and Lactating Patients Against COVID-19

Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine:
Considerations for COVID-19 Vaccination in Lactation

InfantRisk Center at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center:
COVID-19 Vaccine in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Similar to other medications, pregnant and/or breastfeeding women have not been included in studies to determine how well COVID vaccines work or how safe they are. Based on what we understand from similar vaccines, we believe the risks that come with vaccination will probably be low. Therefore, while we wait for more information, each mother and provider should discuss what choice fits their situation best. The risk and benefit of the vaccine should be compared to each mother’s individual risk for getting COVID-19 as well as how well she is expected to tolerate the disease.

– InfantRisk Center

Breastfeeding and Coronavirus / La Lactancia y el Coronavirus

Downloads / Descargas (PDF)

Infographic - Breastfeeding and COVID-19
Infografía - Lactancia y COVID-19
COVID-19 Resource packet

World Health Organization (WHO) / Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS):
Breastfeeding and COVID-19 for health care workers /
Lactancia materna y COVID-19 para trabajadores de la salud

Resources / Recursos

Listed in chronological order by release date. Click on the source title to be directed to the resource.
Aparacen por órden cronológico de acuerdo a la fecha del comunicado. Haga clic en el título de la fuente para ser dirigido al recurso.

Maternal Health Updates: COVID-19, Racism, Diversity & Equity

World Health Organization Statement on Breastfeeding and COVID-19

The World Health Organization released a statement regarding COVID-19 and breastfeeding. The live virus has not been found in breast milk diminishing the risk of transmission from the milk itself. It is recommended that even COVID-19 positive parents continue to breastfeed their babies.

Racial Profiling COVID-19 Hospital Policies in New Mexico

The Governor of New Mexioc is currently investigating allegations of COVID-19 policies in hospitals throughout the state that racially profiled Native American Women. A recent article by ProPublica discusses allegations that Native American Women were singled out for COVID-19 testing and separated from newborns after delivery. To read the article, click the link.

When Separation is Not the Answer

This journal article explores the various policies that have been implemented as it pertains to separating newborns from mothers with COVID-19. To read the article, click the link.

Webinar Recordings

COVID-19 and Breastfeeding Study

Researchers at the University of Idaho and University of Rochester are currently recruiting women with COVID-19 who are currently breastfeeding to determine if the transmission of the virus occurs through breast milk or breastfeeding. To participate in the study you must be at least 18 years old, currently breastfeeding, and have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 48 hours or awaiting the results of the test. For more information, please follow the link below:

If you are experiencing any breastfeeding problems please contact your health care professional or a lactation consultant.
Si usted está teniendo problemas para amamantar, por favor contacte a su médico o un asesor de lactancia.

Copyright 2024 • Binational Breastfeeding Coalition • A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization